Let’s be honest, there is a STEEP learning curve in fly tying. With all of the materials, techniques, tools, and nuances, it’s a hobby that takes time to learn. But have you ever looked around your bench and wondered how you accumulated so much STUFF?!? I just did so and realized there were 5 things I could live without.
Read moreThe Fly that KILLED Fly Fishing?!?
The Sucker Spawn was truly the first fly that nearly KILLED fly fishing for me. It’s a simple pattern that I originally tied for steelhead…but other species couldn’t resist. I talk about this fly specifically in this video: The Fly that KILLED Fly Fishing!
Let’s be honest, can a fly really KILL fly fishing? Of course not! Yet in fly fishing, many hold true to the belief that there is that perfect fly, the magic bullet, one that will catch EVERY fish in the water. Once finding that fly, will the experience be ruined for you…or enhanced? Let’s find out!
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