Virtual Classes

I’m a featured presenter at fly fishing shows and TU clubs around the country, yet what if you’re not close to one of those events? I am now offering virtual classes just for you! These classes are offered live in the fall and winter. Watch for my next virtual class, which will be announced soon. In the meantime, I also offer recordings of the most popular classes. Once purchased, you’ll receive a link to the video and can watch (and pause!) it from the comfort of your own home.

Euro Nymphing Virtual Class: Video Recording

Ever wonder how some fly fishers seem to catch more fish than everyone else? It’s not luck, especially when employing Euro nymphing tactics. Nymphing has always been sort of a mystery but get ready for the secrets to be revealed as Tim Cammisa walks you through the steps to get started Euro nymphing and catch more trout today. You will be introduced to various setups, leader formulas, fly selection, fishing techniques, and more.

This presentation provides valuable information for both the beginner and intermediate nymphing fly fisher, giving you the information needed for one of today’s hottest fly fishing styles. Plus, in this virtual class, you get a sneak peek at some of the secrets and tips revealed in Tim's new book, Tying Euro Nymphs.

Once purchased, you receive PRIVATE ACCESS to the recorded virtual class, plus an email loaded with information and links from the class. Take your Euro nymphing to the next level today!

Dry Fly & Emergers Virtual Class - Video Recording

Time to learn more about Dry Flies & Emergers! Learn with Tim Cammisa as he discusses the stages that bring trout out to eat on the surface. Not only will you learn about mayflies and caddisflies, but the effective flies to use, rigging, tactics for dry flies, techniques to fish, preferred gear, leaders, ideal casts and LOTS more.

This is a two-hour master class that was recorded, meaning you can pause and rewatch throughout. Along with the recording, you will receive an email loaded with information and links from the class.

The techniques discussed in the class will improve your Dry Fly and Emerger fishing today! Use this as an opportunity to enhance your fly fishing and start catching more fish this year.

Nymphing Virtual Class Recording

Fish feed subsurface over 90% of the time, so are you ready to learn how to catch more by nymphing? Let’s take traditional nymphing to the next level by discussing advanced techniques, including preferred setups, drop shot rigs, Euro nymphing, dry-droppers, and floating leaders with nymphs.

Tim Cammisa breaks down each style, sharing methods, leader setups, recommended patterns to fish, water types to concentrate on, recommended gear, and LOTS more! After this class, you’ll be ready to tackle nymphing on your favorite rivers and streams. Use this as an opportunity to enhance your fly fishing and start catching more fish this year.

Once purchased, you receive PRIVATE ACCESS to the recorded virtual class, plus an email loaded with information and links from the class. Take your nymphing to the next level today!

Fly Fishing Tactics and Tips for All Seasons - Video Recording

Ever wonder how some fly fishers seem to catch more fish than everyone else? It’s not luck! They are intentional in many areas of fly fishing, including the sections of water they fish, fly selection, method, and more. I’ll be sharing the techniques I use when fishing new waters, providing you with resources that will help you get into fish faster. Plus, in this virtual class I take you through all four seasons and offer techniques, tips, fly selection, and lots more to be a more effective fly fisher. Each season is discussed in detail, and we’ll focus on the similarities and differences between each. After this class, you’ll be ready to catch fish all year long!

This is a two-hour master class that was recorded, meaning you can pause and rewatch throughout. Along with the recording, you will receive an email loaded with information and links from the class.

The techniques and tactics discussed in the class will improve your fly fishing today!