Little Flounder Fly


Seriously, this pattern takes patience, but of course "Mystery Man" makes it look easy!  This is a great fly for use both in saltwater and freshwater, and the weight gets it down to the fish.  Have fun tying this one and be sure to let us know how they come out.  As always, I'd love to feature your own "Little Flounder" patterns on the "Trout and Feather" Facebook page.  Shoot me an email of your pics to share with others.  Again, thanks for this unique pattern, "Mystery Man!"


Hook: BIG Jig hook (ha ha, seriously what "Mystery Man' says!)

Thread: 3/0; color to match

weight: Lead Bean or .020 wire

Body: Bugskin leather or foam (on bottom and top)

Fins: two pieces of grizzly hackle

glue: weldwood contact cement or similar

body filling: Clay

eyes: 3-d; your choice for color