Fly Tying for Everyone by Tim Cammisa AUTOGRAPHED Book

Fly Tying for Everyone by Tim Cammisa AUTOGRAPHED Book
Learn a broad range of techniques for dry flies, streamers, and wet flies by tying the modern flies that everyone is talking about. Author Tim Cammisa teaches you how to tie these simple but effective patterns and then how to take the techniques you’ve learned and use them for most of the other core patterns—old and new—that should be in your box. Includes information on the latest materials, tying tips from other tiers, and 13 patterns with recipes and complete step-by-step instructions.
FREE SHIPPING! All copies purchased through Trout and Feather are autographed by the author. For international orders, please email me for a shipping quote: CONTACT
Contents include:
Welcome to the 21st Century of Fly Tying
Dry Flies
Each fly includes high quality macrophotography plus four sections:
Tying Tip, Featured Technique, Materials to Consider, Fishing Suggestion
Hardcover, 149 pages
Published by Stackpole Books, 2021
About the author:

Tim Cammisa of “Trout and Feather” has been a YouTube creator of fly tying and fly fishing videos for over seven years. He is a featured presenter and tier at events such as the International Fly Tying Symposium and Midwest Fly Fishing Expo, and has traveled around the country helping others improve their fly fishing and fly tying skills. Tim lives in Harmony, Pennsylvania.

No matter the situation, these custom flies won’t let you down.
This wild brown trout was no match for a homemade Sexy Walt’s Worm tie, despite difficult conditions. With Fly Tying for Everyone, learn to make ties best suited to your favorite fly fishing spots.

Fly 1: Corn-fed Caddis
A dry fly loaded with CDC that offers lots of movement when floating and can suspend a lighter fly beneath.

Fly 2: Condor Emerger
An imitative mayfly pattern that you can adjust in color and size to match your local mayflies.

Fly 3: Mini Jig Bugger
An elegant and simple tie with techniques that can be applied to many of your favorite patterns.
Video Reviews: